2 Types of Cable Structures with Examples and Benefits

Cable structures are innovative design methods that have been growing in popularity in recent years. These structures are characterized by their use of cables to support loads and can be found in a wide range of applications, from bridges and stadiums to buildings and pavilions.

Types of Cable Structures 

  1. Tensile Structures
  2. Cable Net Structures

1. Tensile Structures

Tensile structures are cable structures that rely on tension forces to remain stable. They are made up of a network of cables that are anchored to support structures, such as pillars or walls, and are stretched tight to create a stable, yet flexible, structure. Tensile structures are commonly used in commercial and public buildings, such as stadiums, airports, and train stations.

Tensile structures pros:

  • Flexibility
  • Can be shaped and formed into various designs
  • Lightweight
  • Consume less material than traditional structures
  • Cost-effective option for large-scale projects

Tensile structures cons:

  • Tensile structures require regular maintenance to ensure that the cables remain taut and in good condition.
  • They can be susceptible to high winds and seismic activity, which can affect their stability.

Beijing National Stadium

Tensile Structure of the Beijing National Stadium

One of the iconic buildings that use tensile structures is the Beijing National Stadium, also known as the "Bird's Nest." The stadium was built for the 2008 Summer Olympics and features a steel frame that is covered in a web of steel cables and fabric membranes. The cables are stretched tight to create a lightweight, yet durable, structure that can withstand high winds and seismic activity.

2. Cable Net Structures

Cable net structures are cable structures that rely on a network of cables to create a stable structure. The cables are anchored to support structures, such as pillars or walls, and are woven together to create a net-like structure. Cable net structures are commonly used in bridges, roofs, and other large-scale structures.

Cable net structures pros:

  • Strength
  • Can withstand high winds and seismic activity
  • Lightweight 
  • Consume less material
  • Cost-effective option 

Cable net structures cons:

  • Cable net structures require regular maintenance to ensure that the cables remain taut and in good condition. 
  • Cable net structures require a significant amount of space to accommodate the cables, which may not be suitable for all types of buildings or environments.

Olympic Stadium of Munich

The iconic roof of the main stadium is made of polyester fabric coated with PVC. This hanging structure is supported by a network of prestressed cables in tension.

Benefits of Cable Structures

1. Durability

Cable structures are engineered to withstand harsh weather conditions, such as high winds, seismic activity, and other environmental factors that can potentially damage traditional structures. The use of high-quality materials in cable structures such as steel and aluminum makes them resistant to corrosion, ensuring the longevity of the structure.

2. Flexibility

Cable structures can be shaped and formed into a variety of designs, allowing architects to create unique and innovative structures. This flexibility allows for the creation of structures that are not only functional but also have aesthetic appeal. The use of cable structures in architecture has revolutionized the way architects approach design.

3. Cost-effectiveness

Cable structures require less material than traditional structures, making them a cost-effective option for large-scale projects. The lightweight nature of cable structures also means that they require less foundation support, reducing the cost of building the foundation and the overall construction cost.

4. Sustainability

Cable structures can be used to create lightweight structures, reducing the building's carbon footprint and environmental impact. The use of cable structures can promote sustainable development as they require less material to construct, emit fewer greenhouse gases, and have a minimal impact on the environment.

2 Types of Cable Structures with Examples and Benefits